Find the best of Malay and other South-East Asian food in Malacca and also the vegetarian restaurants I hunted down.
Street art in Malacca
An open journal from my two weeks in Malaysia’s Heritage City, Malacca. Street art, abstractions, and flipped pages from flipping history.
Zanskar. Cut-off from the world for three-seven months in extreme winter. A semi-desert of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. For one and a half months, I volunteered in a school in Zanskar. This is my reflection.
The lamas at Phyang Festival
Phyang Festival. A way to submerge in the macabre demise of evil forces over the power of the divine, cohering with Buddhist beliefs.
Ladakhi Food
Understand Ladakh through the rich traditions of Ladakhi food. The cuisine is vibrant with self-sustaining barley, wheat, apricots and more!
Let’s explore the hidden villages in Parvati Valley - Rasol and Stona. Both of these villages are a hike away from Katagla in Parvati Valley.
The beauty of Chamba from Pukhri Village
My up-and-close interaction with Chamba, as I hiked for two days from Dalhousie to Jot, through bear-jungles and set up camp in a Chamba village.
The spectacular Tirthan Valley
One month in Tirthan Valley, volunteering, admiring the sunsets of Tirthan Valley and learning to prepare Siddu, the local Himachali dish!
Tharu people of Nepal
The Tharu ethnic people of Nepal are the inhabitants of the Terai region. As I volunteered near such a settlement, I met the Tharu people through my host.
Me and camel, posing together
The yellow deserts and hidden treasures. All that while drinking camel milk in a Rajasthani village conserving 400 camels.
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